Friday, December 16, 2011

A letter to a stranger

Dear young lady trying on swimsuits today,

I wish I knew you so we could have this conversation face to face.  I heard you crying and the sound broke my heart.  Sometimes kids are just rude to their parents, but I know the angry words you said to yours today came from the hurt and frustration you felt as you tried suit after suit that was just too small.  You may not believe it but so many of us, maybe even all of us, have had our share of meltdowns in the dressing room.  One part of the body is too big, another to small, arms are too short, shoulders are too broad.  Trust me, I work in clothing, I've heard it all.  No one is runway-model perfect.  No one.  Not even the models.  They usually starve themselves to look the way they do and by the time you see their picture they've been tummy-tucked even more.

But I know a secret.  You are beautiful.  Truly you are.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  I don't know you, but I know the one who made you and I know he doesn't make mistakes.  The boys may not think it now, but you are a rare gem, a beauty beyond measure.  Your inner self is made in the image of the most beautiful being ever.  I know its frustrating to not be the way you want to be or to be the way the world thinks you should be but don't let that define you.  The girls who let that define them become obsessive, anorexic, fake.  The real you is too exquisite to hide.  I know many beautiful women.  Few of them have "the perfect body."

Being a teenager is so hard.  Every mean comment takes up residence in your brain, every heartbreak feels like a black hole, every imperfection feels like its being posted on a big screen for the world to see.  I hope you know the truth, the author of the truth, because only he can really show you how valuable you are.  Don't let one bad day buying swimsuits influence the image you see in the mirror.

The Lord and Creator of all things loves you and calls you his child.  That is all you need.  He thinks you're pretty special and beautiful beyond compare.

1 comment:

Janet R said...

Wow. That was incredible. I wish the teen girls at my school could read that. It is so true.