Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Strange Day

Today was a weird day.  I woke up this morning wondering why my alarm was going off on a snow day. That's right, I thought it was a snow day.  As I woke up, I realized that I had been dreaming that I was at home and my mom and I were cleaning out my room on our surprise snow day off.

I got to work and felt strangely energetic for that time of morning.  It probably had to do with the free pop we currently have in our break room.  So much caffeine is surging through my veins right now.  I worked on getting freight put out and apparently was having so much fun that before I know it I look at my watch and realize that its 2:00 PM and I was supposed to go on break half an hour before.  I never miss break.  Weird I tell you.

And then it got really slow and so the last two hours went so much slower than the first several.  And when I went outside it was 86 degrees.  I had a jacket on coming into the store and was sweating on the way home.

Okay, so three weird things happened and it wasn't a super weird day after all.  I just wanted to tell you that I dreamed it was a snow day when the high nearly hit 90.  In September.  In South Dakota.

Oh, and we also found one of these at the store today:

In unrelated news, I just found out that three of my best friends and I all get to go to Kansas City together in November.  Couldn't be happier.

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