Tuesday, August 23, 2011


My sister is an inspiring person. Years ago I started this blog and never even told anyone it existed. I wrote things but never shared them. J started a blog and in the process discovered mine. I read her blog and have become inspired to continue my own and maybe tell some people about it this time around. I think the reason the last time was such a flop was that most of the people I knew were near or I had the ability to call them up. Now I have so many friends and family members spread so far out across the country that keeping up is hard. So here I am, writing again in order to share my life with all of you! Don't get to excited. It's bound to be pretty boring.

The most important thing that you need to know, if you don't already, is that I now live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. If you are wondering why the heck I live in South Dakota, don't worry, I wonder that all the time. I never would have imagined that I would have ended up here, but if you think about it, it was sort of destiny. My mom, after all did get the inspiration for my name from the wonderful, booming metropolis of Chelsea, South Dakota. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am named after a town that, as of the 2010 census, had a total of 27 people. Destiny I tell you!

I started this post thinking I wouldn't have enough to say and now I have all kinds of this ideas, like explaining why I really am here, or why I've stayed, or about all the wonderful people here, or about my vendetta against the overuse of the word "yet," or how it actually felt the first time I experienced -30 degree weather. All in time, my little blog reader. For now I will leave you this and the realization that I need to take more pictures.

Isn't she beautiful?

1 comment:

Janet R said...

I'm glad you told me that your blog existed. I read every one today.