Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It is my goal with this blog to be honest.  I have no intentions to make this an inspiring blog full of lessons to be learned in life, though I hope my story inspires now and then.  It is not a blog created in order to make you laugh, though I hope it does.  The purpose here is to share my life, selfish as that may seem.  In that light, I promise to never lie to you, but I may not share the whole story.  If I say things are good, it means things are good.  If I don't want you to know if things are bad, I just won't mention whatever it is that is upsetting me.  I expect, given the nature of the subjects I intend to discuss, that I am close to most of you who read these words.  If that is the case, I would probably share anything with you anyways, in person, of course.  Or even a personal FB message.  Does this seem fair?  Besides, discretion must be used out of respect for those who are the cause of my frustration. :)

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